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Holiday T-Shirts Designs
Cutest bunch of Christmas T-shirts I’ve seen yet.

Christmas Story Pink Bunny Shirt

Phi Sigma Sigma Christmas Shirt

Christmas Party Holiday Shirt

Fraternity Christmas Santa Shirt

Christmas House Shirt Santa Moon

Tacky Christmas Fraternity Shirt

Zeta Tau Alpha Christmas Shirt

Kappa Delta Christmas Party Shirt

Phi Mu Winter Retreat Beanie Shirt

Alpha Xi Delta Christmas Shirt

Alpha Omicron Pi Tacky Christmas Shirt

Phi Delta Christmas Party Shirt

Kappa Sigma Christmas Party Shirt

Alpha Xi Delta Christmas Party Shirt

ATO Christmas Party Shirt

Christmas Party Shirt Pickup Tree
“I recently ordered custom sorority t-shirts from Metro Greek, and I am extremely impressed with the quality of their merchandise and the level of customer service they provide. The design tools on their website were easy to use and allowed me to create a unique and personalized t-shirt for mv sorority. The orderina process was seamless, and my t-shirts arrived quickly and were in great condition.”
“For MANY vears. Metropolis Graphics has been providing t-shirts for the BS and summer camp that I manage. Customer service is over the top: quick and friendly replies, accurate orders, wonderful response on short notice orders!”
“Amazing customer service and quick turnaround time for shirts! We loved our shirts for our company retreat. Great local place to get quality screen printed garments.”